Insurance Website Setup Tips


You are the Product

Everyone sells the same carriers; your focus is selling you!

You are an independent agent, your strength is the relationship, your friendly personality, and your responsiveness. Do not design a website that looks like a call center, that is faceless and corporate. You are the opposite of that, play to your strengths!

Most people will come to your website in two ways:

1. They are referred to you and Google you to check you out.

2. You are sending them there to complete a task.


Three Keys to Success


⇒ Logo or Your Picture

⇒ Why Work With You

⇒ List of Carriers Partners

⇒ Client Testimonials


⇒ What Do You Specialize in

⇒ What Else Do You Do

⇒ Client Experience


⇒ Online Scheduling

⇒ Authorization Forms

⇒ PURL’s | Online Shopping

⇒ Videos

⇒ CRM Integration

What to Prioritize?

Compliance Setup Rules

Client Testimonials

Pictures of you or your team in action

Getting Google Business Listing setup

Having a matching social media presence

Reviewing your day to day activities and pin point where the consumer can be sent to the website to accomplish a task that will save you time.

    (1) From your voicemail
    (2) After first meeting with your client


Let's Not Stress Over

Do your best initially, use your gut put what you think is best, and focus on the important stuff first, the below can always be changed later via client feedback.

Colors throughout the site

Stock images throughout the site

Educational resources and guides

What your competitor's sites look like

Getting a domain name (Done last)

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